Music: New on DFA!!!
So it finally dropped. The Hercules & Love Affair album is out now and yes, even with all the hype from the singles, it didn't disappoint. If anything, this album is freaking outstanding!!!. There are a couple non-dance tracks which are good as they highlight Antony's voice, but the real bread and butter of this album are the tracks that make us remember the early Trax sound and the more intelligent Disco of the early 80's (Y'all remember Larry Levan and Arthur Russell right?). All in all there's a couple tracks that I'm sure will end up packaged with killer remixes and I'm willing to put money right now that the next singles will be "Raise me up" and "You Belong". I recently had a conversation with Brendan Wesley from AKult who claims this is gonna be the "new shit". Let's hope he's right and let's hope the boys bring them to Boston like they did with Holy Ghost a couple months ago.
Also out now, Juan Mclean's new single "Happy House" with more interesting vocals from Nancy Wang. I've heard somewhere she'll be touring with them full-time. Let's wait and see. Don't forget Hot Chip is coming to Boston April 14th so please be "ready for the floor".
Juan McLean - Happy House (Buy Here!!! or Here!!!)Hercules & Love Affair - Raise me up (Buy Here!!!)