Thanks to one of our favorite blogs "Asian Dan", here's an update on Kanye's Love Lockdown. Great Art work but as for the track, i think i enjoyed the VMA's live version a lot more. It was more soulful and less vocoderish, not that it's bad, but there's a time and place for everything, and this wasn't the case. Either way, we love this new direction Mr. West is taking...which I'm guessing will include a Justice produced track, because we read the future just like that.
...Well not really but this little performance at the VMA's clearly shows that Mr. West is heading into Pop Stardom. It could perhaps be his Chicago background but I guarantee you this is gonna have at least 10 House remixes by the end of the month. No seriously, you wait and see. In the meantime enjoy the "Love Lockdown".
Ok...this song is really not their greatest accomplishment, but nonetheless it's still pretty entertaining. What's hilarious though is the video that accompanies it, with James Murphy as a Martial Arts Disco Bully. Well...i guess it just goes to show how cool DFA is right now as they prepare themselves for world domination again (but more on that later). So while we wait for some of DFA's big newcomers to guest at Akult next month (you'll see...), join us at Goodlife tonight for a fun night of Disco with resident DJ Brenden Wesley and new pal John Barrera.