Music/Art: The Escapades of Futura 2000

I while ago I did a huge post on Futura 2000. Well...I'll try to keep this one short. Through the magic of ebay, and obscure record stores in Quebec, I managed to get of hold of this piece of music/art treasure. When the Clash went to New York in the 80's, they fell in love with the new culture of Hip-Hop and asked Futura to go on tour with them and paint while they performed. This collaboration didn't end there though. If you listen to "overpowered by funk" on Combat Rock, you will hear Futura doing a freestyle over some funky-ass beats. The favor was later reciprocated when Mick Jones produced what is this "epic" EP titled: The Escapades of Futura 2000. Check the credits and you'll also find Dondi White and Fab 5 Freddy on backup vocals. Insane right! Well... Basquiat produced an album too but that's till next time! Enjoy this for now. Also...I guess it's not a secret that the new Concepts store in Harvard Sq. has a massive Futura Painting... and trust me, we needed 2x4's to make that canvas. It was that big. If you're good maybe uncle Tarek will let you see it.