So a week or so ago...Gwen of fibrevolution was kind enough to go with me to Goodlife (even though she was/is still getting over one of those Late Spring/early summer colds).
Towards the end of his set, Tim Sweeney Let "Alarm" blend into oblivion into one of the funkiest tracks I've heard all year. As Gwen and I kept bumping our heads I said too her: "Oh Snap! I know this track...wait for the "Uhhn!!!" that sounds Like James Brown. She smiled as soon as the ultra loud sound system downstairs framed that "Uhhn!!!" So yes folks, you too can impress a girl with your useless knowledge of Music thanks to Beats in Space, and a little bit of luck. Jokes apart, the track in question was the Revenge/6th Borough Project's "Do It To The Max" (now on Instruments Of Rapture) and it indeed brings it to the Max...not quite to 11 but maybe just a solid 10 (which let's face it, is as much as we could handle anyway!)
6th Borough Project - Do It To The Max (Instruments Of Rapture) Buy Here or Here
Catch the Revenge and their recent 'beats in space' mix here!
Carly...I don't know "why your love hurts so much" but all I know is Chic did a masterful production on this. It's Dubby, the Keys so essential and that Bass Superb. I kinda see why this charted better in Europe than it did here. Every so often I listen to Italian Radio and i don't know why but this is a staple right around Christmas. In my own experience this song has helped me intensely when I wasn't feeling so good in matters of the Heart but It's a delight to sing la di da di da...even when things are quite alright.
Lately this blog seems to be suffering from an intense amount of Nostalgia for the early 2000's but how can you blame us. I still remember like it was yesterday the day I picked up my monthly copy of Muzik (the now defunct UK magazine) that included an amazing CD compilation by a still pretty unknown DFA records. Back then DFA had out a few releases of their own, and most of them through Trevor Jackson's Output. The Compilation not only included the early remixes by Tim Goldsworthy and James Murphy, but the Sound and Charisma that has defined DFA Records. The CD was mixed to perfection by none other than Tim Sweeney who in case you didn't know already, will be Playing this Friday June 12th at Boston's own Good life Bar. We talk a lot about Sweeney's Radio Show "Beats in Space" in this blog so I'll spare you with the details...but do go check out BIS Radio Show #472 with Guest Maurice Fulton. A couple of months ago when he played here in Cambridge we had a great time...Dorking out on the Obscure Boogie tracks he was playing. Either way Head over to Goodlife this Friday as our friends Mark and Alex show us exactly "Where's the Love"! Having Tim Sweeney Can't hurt either i guess....
Where is the Love Presents: Tim Sweeney w/ Alex From Queens, Mark Ingram & Scott Bliss Friday June 12th 2009 @ The Goodlife Bar 28 Kingston Street Boston, MA RSVP: Here!
The Football for Good campaign is a partnership between the Steve Nash Foundation and Athletes for Africa to help develop good, ethical world-class youth football academies around Africa as well as “champion of human rights and child protection, and a committed global advocate for African players, families and their communities.” A $5 USD donation earns you a chance to fly to New York and participate in the “Chinatown Showdown” which features world-class football players and basketball players alike in a friendly game. Go to for more info, and check out the video where he taunts some of today's Greatest Football Stars...Hilarious! First time i watched the video I though it was yet one of those smart Nike Ads...which of course didn't make sense once you see Del Piero (adidas) and The Guys from the Milan Squad (also sponsored by Adidas). I'm glad no black tape was involved in this is for the children after all. Nice Job Steve Nash! We believe in your dream.
The Glow is back this month with Special Guest Ghostdad. Come join me and Golden Touch @ the Midway Cafe as we tear it up for the 3rd month in a Row!!! Why??? Because... Our goal at THE GLOW is to give DJ's a place to go to spin the music they love to an audience who understands and appreciates it. When you support THE GLOW you are supporting underground dance music and helping us provide and outlet for DJ's and fans to celebrate this great music and culture. So don't forget to come out to and get that GLOW
The Glow w/ Golden Touch & Coatti Mundi Special Guest: Ghostdad! Wed 6/03 at 10pm. The Midway Cafe 3496 Washington st, Jamaica Plain